The more you know...
We're Moving! November 29, 2016 18:34
Dear customers and friends,
After two years at Tsim Sha Tsui, we've decided to make the big jump across the harbour to Wan Chai! We are so excited to finally be in a ground floor shop. Thank you for all your support. We're excited to bring your some exciting new promotions and sales when we open our doors on December 8th, 2016. Please look for us at: G/F 69 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
我們在尖沙咀渡過兩年的快樂時光後,我們決定跨過維多利亞港搬到灣仔!我們很期待新的地面店。謝謝大家一直的支持。我們在2016年12月8日新店開幕後,將會舉行新的推廣活動。到時請到灣仔 皇后大道東69號 地下 來找我們,我們會繼續爲您服務。
Behind-the-Scenes Moments! (Video) July 19, 2016 08:44
Photoshoot Behind-the-scenesHere's a look at some of the amazing moments we had with all of our adorable baby models, during our Spring/Summer 17 Collection Photoshoot! 專業幼兒攝影絕對不是鬧著玩兒,不過卻是非一般的有趣!來看看我們2017年春夏系列拍攝日模特兒 - 可愛小寶寶的每段歡喜拍照時刻吧!
Posted by CIGOGNE BéBé on Monday, 18 July 2016
Professional baby photoshoots are serious business, but they're also a ton of fun! Here's a look at some of the amazing moments we had with all of our adorable baby models, during our Spring/Summer 17 Collection Photoshoot!
專業幼兒攝影絕對不是鬧著玩兒,不過卻是非一般的有趣!來看看我們2017年春夏系列拍攝日模特兒 - 可愛小寶寶的每段歡喜拍照時刻吧!
Baby Photoshoot: Behind The Scenes 寶寶攝影日:幕後花絮 June 28, 2016 19:23
Camera, lights, action! There were lots of sweat, tears, and drool, but everyone had a fun time at our photoshoots this month. To participate in future photoshoots, do look out for our emails calling for baby models! Check out these photos to discover what goes on behind the scenes of a profesional baby photoshoot!
相機,燈光,action! 經過無數的汗水、淚水和口水,每人在攝影日當日都盡興得不亦樂乎。將來的攝影日,

Mother's Day Photoshoot Session 母親節親子攝影 April 30, 2016 16:58
Celebrate Mother's Day with a complimentary 45 minute photo session at CIGOGNE BéBé on 13th or 14th May, 2016.
荷花BB展參觀要點 February 5, 2016 17:58
如果你是個香港新晉媽媽,你一定有聽過荷花BB展。這個展每年會舉行兩次,一次在二月,一次在八月。BB展特別之處除了最出名的全城最吸引優惠之外,也是 個很巨大的活動。要在擠擁的人群、吵耳的喊聲和特賣攤位的迷宮中尋寶,可是一點也不容易。但是如果你能勇敢拼一拼,絕對可以讓你省一筆。點一下來看看實用的展參觀要點吧!Our Top Tips for Navigating the Eugene Baby Fairs February 5, 2016 17:58
So, if you're a mom in Hong Kong, you would have undoubtedly gotten to hear about the Eugene Baby Fairs. These events are held twice a year, once in February and once in August. They're well known for having the best deals in town, but they are also monster events - be prepared for massive crowds, lots of yelling and a maze of vendors. Having said that, if you're brave enough to head down, you'll find some amazing savings. Click on for some of our top tips to navigate the fair.Baby Model Search January 6, 2016 12:20

We're looking for some stylish babies aged 0-3 who are ready to show off in front of the camera! Those selected to join our photoshoot will receive CIGOGNE BéBé vouchers worth $500 and a selection of photos taken at our photoshoot! We will inform all successful candidates by Friday, 8 January.
Click through for more details on how to join us...
Types of Baby Clothes December 23, 2015 16:17
Confused about baby clothes?
So were we in the beginning, which is why we made this helpful guide of different types of baby clothes. Hopefully this simple infographic will help you learn more about what kind of clothes and accessories your baby needs, how to dress your baby, and different swaddling techniques.
Click here to read on...
Thank you, Expat Living! December 7, 2015 15:23
As many of you know, we are a small homegrown brand that's only been around for a year or so. Which is why we're so proud to be featured on Expat Living's Christmas Gift Guide! Expat Living is not just useful for expats to Hong Kong - but for everyone! We love their fun "what to do in HK" guides and their new restaurant recommendations! Check out which of our clothes they liked below.
Eat, play and shop at these family friendly November events! November 5, 2015 13:39
Have an awesome weekend of shopping, eating and playing with your family!
Eat and shop till your hearts' content at the Sassy X Dine & Design marketplace in PMQ on 7-8 Nov. The following week, you won't want to miss the BaoBae X SassyMama X Flight Centre Holiday Marketplace.
And, for expecting mummies - our favourite maternity store, Mayarya, will be hosting a talk about 'Preparing for birth plus Birthing Options' and a PRIVATE SALE with up to 70% off on their beautiful dresses!
Find out more on
See you there!